President Biden’s Ultimatum to Israel: Protect Civilians in Gaza or Face Policy Change

Posted on : April 5, 2024 By Santo

President Biden’s Ultimatum to Israel: Protect Civilians in Gaza or Face Policy Change

President Biden Threatens to Condition Support for Israel’s Offensive in Gaza

In a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Joe Biden issued a warning, stating that the United States would condition its support for Israel’s offensive in Gaza on the country taking concrete steps to protect aid workers and civilians. This move signifies a significant shift in US policy towards Israel and its military behavior.

The phone call between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu followed a deadly Israeli attack on aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, an incident that sparked calls from fellow Democrats to place conditions on US aid to Israel. While Israel claimed the attack was a mistake, President Biden made it clear that the need to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers is crucial.

The White House emphasized the importance of Israel announcing and implementing specific, measurable steps to address these concerns. President Biden stated that US policy towards Gaza would be determined by Israel’s immediate action on these issues. This warning marks the first time President Biden has threatened to potentially condition aid to Israel, which could significantly impact the ongoing conflict.

As Israel’s top weapons supplier, the United States has traditionally provided diplomatic support for Israel at the United Nations. However, President Biden’s statement suggests a potential shift in this policy if Israel fails to address the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian enclave. The President’s frustration, combined with mounting pressure from his left-leaning political base, highlights the urgency to stop the killings and alleviate hunger among innocent civilians.

While specific changes in US policy were not elaborated upon, the White House spokesperson expressed hope for Israel to announce steps in the coming hours and days. This indicates that the Biden administration is looking for immediate action to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The attack on aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, founded by celebrity chef Jose Andres, prompted international outrage. Andres revealed that the Israeli attack systematically targeted his aid workers. Israel has since acknowledged the attack as a misidentification and has promised to release inquiry findings soon.

Prior to the phone call, President Biden had expressed outrage and heartbreak over the attack but had not made any fundamental changes in Washington’s support for Israel. However, the conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasized the need for an immediate ceasefire to stabilize the situation and protect innocent civilians.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking in Brussels, echoed President Biden’s stance, stating that Israel must meet the moment by increasing humanitarian assistance and ensuring the security of those providing aid. Blinken emphasized that if the necessary changes are not seen, there will be changes in US policy.

President Biden
President Biden

Conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas

The conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas terrorists reached a breaking point on October 7 when Hamas fighters attacked Israel, resulting in the deaths of 1,200 people and the capture of 253 hostages. In response, Israel imposed a total siege on Gaza and launched an air and ground assault that has led to the deaths of over 33,000 Palestinians, according to health authorities in Gaza.

President Biden, who has described himself as a Zionist and a lifelong supporter of Israel, initially stood firmly behind the country during the early days of its retaliation. However, the recent events have prompted a reevaluation of US policy and a call for Israel to take immediate action to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Impact Of President Biden’s Intervention

President Joe Biden’s warning to condition support for Israel’s offensive in Gaza on the protection of aid workers and civilians signifies a significant shift in US policy towards the ongoing conflict. This move comes after a deadly attack on aid workers and mounting pressure from President Biden’s political base. The President’s call for immediate action from Israel highlights the urgency to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The international community will be closely watching Israel’s response and potential changes in US policy moving forward.

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Posted on : April 5, 2024 By Santo

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